Beta - Performance Improvements + Bug Fixes + Wood Plank Item
Today's patch focuses on some performance issues. Hopefully you see an improvement when playing this new build. That said, I still have a few more things I need to improve before this is running at the level I want. I know there are GPU bound issues and next week I'm going to finish those up. Anyone running on a machine with a weak GPU will be running into this one. I noticed that some save times are a bit long. Will take a look at this too!
A few people have mentioned how overpowered cages and traps are. You *should* notice a difference in this build because the trigger will now take into account the target's evasion rating. The higher the evasion of an entity, the harder it is to trigger the cage or trap. Let me know what your experience is with the new change. Hopefully I haven't gone too far in the other direction. I do need to add some feedback to indicate that a trigger check was fired and failed. Will do soon!
I've slightly changed how caves generate in the game. You should notice that they have more of a buffer when spawning. Because this change affects biome generation, you might see a cave appearing when you first load your game. I still need to come up with a method that lets me change/tune biome generation without it messing up save files. So, I apologize if a cave messes up part of your settlement when you load!
I'm going to jump into the notes, but, before I do, I'd like to point out that I've increased the game time's speed. It used to be that 1 realtime second = 1 game minute. Now, it's setup so that 0.5 realtime second = 1 game minute. It takes ages for seasons to pass, so I thought this might be a nice change to help things move along. However, it also means things like damage from hunger are faster. This *might* result in your settlers dying super quick while starving or dehydrating. Don't worry, I can fix this by tuning some things. Just let me know what you experience so I can tune accordingly. :)
Ok, here are the notes:
-Fixed a bug where entities were not dying of old age. Now, entities (those with hearts) will have a small chance to go into cardiac arrest after becoming an elder. This is randomly applied over time, and the chances are higher the older they become.
-Newly spawned adult entities will now have their starting age closer to the age they need to become an adult. Adult Humans, for example, should start with an age between 16-27.
-Water put on fires will now have less starting mass. This should keep settlers from flooding large areas with water.
-Fixed a bug where the character sprite wasn't changing to represent a new entity appearance. For example, when becoming an elder, the sprite didn't show white hair.
-Fixed a bug where clicking a death notification didn't take you to the point of death.
-Fixed a bug where, if a population max wasn't set, the game wasn't using the default 99 limit.
-Fixed a bug where the attack labels in the entity window were overlapping.
-Increased dirt and stone spawn amounts.
-Added small chance to spawn stone chunks when mining dirt.
-Fixed a bug where extra items were being eaten/drunk.
-Fixed a bug where entities didn't show the climbing animation for ladders.
-Fixed a bug where items were discovered before being found in the world or unlocked in the saga research tree.
-Fixed a bug where blueprints would show up as blue (ready to start) when the room they are assigned to doesn't have anyone with the skill enabled. i.e., no one with the cooking skill to do cooking jobs in the kitchen, but someone in the world does have it.
-Item spawning will now favour spawn points in a room if it originated in one. i.e., butchering an animal's remains will try to spawn the produced meat inside the room (kitchen) that the job originated. This is intended to avoid spawning these items outside the room, or on the roof.
-Fixed a blueprint name typo where Sand Shrimp Meat was showing (Raw) instead of (Roasted).
-Fixed a bug where Chirpen Meat (Roasted) was showing up as Chicken Meat (Raw). Thanks Morin!
-Improved performance relating to jobs, and world rendering.
-Reduced loading times.
-Fixed a bug where Ancients would randomly start with non-magic professions, and humans would start with magic professions.
-Fixed a bug where windows would not automatically rotate.
-Props which clamp to fixtures like walls, should no longer fall from gravity.
-Fixed a bug where duplicating a uniform didn't copy the profession or control group.
-Fixed several bugs where entities would stick around in control groups after dying or leaving the settlement.
-Fixed a bug where inventory counts were sometimes incorrect.
-Attacks now show the icon of the skill used instead of a unique attack icon.
-Fixed some bugs with tooltips not showing when hovering over various UI elements.
-Tooltips that aren't locked (because the entity/block isn't selected) will now become 50% transparent if the mouse is over the tooltip.
-The temporal displacer now requires Arcane Dust instead of a Glass Pane to be constructed.
-Fixed a bug where a noticeable pattern could be seen in the terrain random offsets. This was most noticeable when zooming out and looking at the repetition of water.
-The Wyrm event no longer spawns items when creating a tunnel.
-Fixed a bug where caves weren't generating plants or props.
-Increased the buffer used to determine the position of caves in relation to visible blocks. The intention is to have them spawning farther away from the mine, rather than right on top of them.
-The glass window is now a glass block.
-Fixed a bug where crafting sand clods required metal crafting instead of stone crafting.
-Added a bunch of missing inline icons for blocks.
-Added wood plank item which can be manufactured at the Wood Mill for 1 Wood Log.
-Wood plank shingle/floor/block now require wood plank items to build.
-Fixed a bug where fences didn't transition with gates
-Rooms without auto job options will no longer show up in the production window.
-Cages and traps will now only trigger based on a roll beating the target's evasion. i.e., If the random roll (out of 100) is 15 and the target's evasion is 16, the cage or trap will fail to capture, drop, or damage them. The higher the evasion rating of the entity, the harder it is to trigger the block.
-Fixed a bug where NPC's would show equipping/unequipping uniform icon and feedback on item slots.
Thanks everyone!
Have a great weekend!
Get Odd Realm
Odd Realm
Take control of a group of settlers to build a settlement that survives the passing seasons.
Status | Released |
Author | UnknownOriginGames |
Genre | Simulation, Survival |
Tags | 2D, Fantasy, Management, Pixel Art, Procedural Generation, Sandbox, Singleplayer, Top-Down |
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